Gender and daily mobility in a university community




gender, daily mobility, women, sustainable transportation, university


The city is not neutral, the right to it, its use and enjoyment by the subjects are conditioned, among other issues, by gender. In the case of women, their daily mobility decisions depend, to a large extent, on personal safety and the role of care. To reflect and delve into the subject, university community in Cuenca-Ecuador was taken as a case study. Two instruments were applied: survey and semi-structured interviews to teachers, administrative staff and students of the institution. The main results indicate that there are differences in daily mobility conditioned by gender. Studies like this warn about factors that inhibit sustainable mobility and contribute to understanding the phenomenon in intermediate Latin American cities.


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How to Cite

Hermida Palacios, C. M., Cordero-Salcedo, M., Eljuri, G., Fajardo, G. ., & Serrano-Fernández de Córdova, E. (2023). Gender and daily mobility in a university community . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 12(23), 19–30.