In response to the specific. The Space Between in Alison and Peter Smithson




space between, doorstep, Smithson, Henderson, Team X


Some terms, such as neighbourhood, doorstep philosophy, or space between, take on particular significance in the work of Alison and Peter Smithson. The latter, especially, is a recurring term in their writings and works. Exploring the origins of their interest in this concept, the influence of Nigel Henderson and his impact on the Team X, as well as their reflections on the quality of the space between, based on the paintings of Pieter de Hoch, is the main aim of this writing. It is therefore proposed to explore some of the approaches that invite us to unravel the concept: through the void, the sky, the layers and lattices, the trees, we can observe how the space between enriches Smithsons’ architecture in order to serve each person and each place precisely and, in this way, offer answers to the specific; an approach that is, ultimately, at the origin of all their reflections.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Villalobos, N. (2024). In response to the specific. The Space Between in Alison and Peter Smithson . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 13(26), 11–30.