Urban system and complexity. Socio-spatial fragmentation as a systemic process of inequality
urban systems, urban complexity, urban coevolution, urban inequality, socio-spatial fragmentationAbstract
The shape of cities has historically been the expression of complex processes of material and energy differentiation. Like any open and self-regulating system, it needs to evolve by exchanging flows of information and matter with its environment based on non-linear interactions made up of hierarchies and complementarities necessary for its adaptation. In order to establish causality with the phenomenon of socio-spatial fragmentation, structural inequality has been analyzed as a stratifying factor of spatialities in urban space. The dialectical hermeneutic method has allowed the modeling of concepts from information theory and thermodynamics to explain the interaction logic of the operating subsystems and their consequences in the hybrid structuring of urban space. The identification of cycles and morphogenetic causality in the production of spatialities forms a theoretical-conceptual contribution to the study of urban dynamics when spatial proximity coexists with social distance as a norm.
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