Relación entre la memoria de trabajo, inhibición de respuesta, y habilidad verbal con el éxito académico y el comportamiento en adolescentes


  • David Villagómez Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Graham Pluck Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Pamela Almeida Universidad San Francisco de Quito


executive functions, academic achievement, working memory, response inhibition, predictors of achievement, correlation


The objectives of this research were, first, to analyze three executive functions and their correlation with academic achievement. Second, this study wanted to show the relation of executive functions and students’ misbehavior at school. The total number of participants was 66 adolescents. The Spanish version of Vocabulary WISC, Reading Span, and Hayling were used to measure verbal ability, working memory, and response inhibition respectively. A modified version of Hayling test was created and applied specifically for this study. To assess the academic achievement, five-month period grades of Language, Science, History, and Math were included. In addition, a behavior questionnaire about students’ behavior was applied to four different teachers for each of the 66 participants. Consequently, the statistical analysis with SPSS shows significant correlations between executive functions and the academic achievement in some subjects, as well with students’ misbehavior. As conclusion, participants’ working memory and response inhibition are related to their reading and writing ability, as well with their disrespectful and aggressive behavior.


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How to Cite

Villagómez, D., Pluck, G., & Almeida, P. (2017). Relación entre la memoria de trabajo, inhibición de respuesta, y habilidad verbal con el éxito académico y el comportamiento en adolescentes. Maskana, 8, 87–100. Retrieved from