La persona como eje principal del negocio inclusivo de reciclaje: una revisión de literatura



economic pyramid base, inclusive business, empowerment, recyclers


This article reviews the literature on studies developed within recycler population and on empowerment as a variable that could impact their personal, group and organizational development. This population is located at the Base of the Economic Pyramid (BDP) and is related to the generation of the Inclusive Business (NI) concept in which the poor and vulnerable population has an active participation, classified in this way by the economic income it receives. Annually the findings in previous investigations allow to identify the scarcity of information that is generated from the economic and psychological field. Most of the approach focuses on training recyclers to improve the practice in the recycling activity, in their rights, in the vindication of women and the precariousness of the activity that emerges in: children, adolescents, adults and older adults; By not having information from a psychological focus on elements that facilitate growth, personal development or organizational development, the socio-economic situation and opportunities for growth and evolution are unknown.


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How to Cite

Jimbo, J., & Ñauta, J. (2017). La persona como eje principal del negocio inclusivo de reciclaje: una revisión de literatura. Maskana, 8, 101–110. Retrieved from