Redención o revolución

Acerca del concepto de historia en Bolívar Echeverría


  • Wladimir Sierra Freire



civilización, crisis, modernidades alternativas


This article discusses the concept of history in Bolívar Echeverría. To understand how this concept was formulated, it is related to those produced by two important authors in his intellectual formation: Karl Marx and Walter Benjamin. The concept of history in Echeverría, we maintain, is fundamentally determined by Walter Benjamin's mystical interpretation of the Marxist concept of history, which can be traced in Marx's texts. We believe that this affinity is due to the social conditions in which each of these conceptualizations arose.


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How to Cite

Sierra Freire, W. . (2023). Redención o revolución: Acerca del concepto de historia en Bolívar Echeverría. Revista Pucara, 1(34), 42–50.