The philosophical understanding of Modernity in Bolívar Echeverría. An approximation to the borders of our civilization

Una aproximación a las fronteras de nuestra civilización


  • Oscar Llerena Borja Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Comunicación Social
  • Romel Armando Hernández Silva Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, campus Pasto



civilización, crisis, modernidades alternativas


This paper inquiries into the modern world, based on the conceptual framework of Bolívar Echeverría’s work. Our objective is to understand the form and the substance of the civilized life in which our existence unfolds, as well as the problems faced by that life for its future historical materialization. We have divided this paper into three parts: the first one deals with the notion of modernity, its contours and its movement; the second one focus es on the material foundation of modernity as a substratum and living power in order to aspire other ways of concretion of that foundation; and the third one, as a way of conclusion, offers the reader a perspective of the horizons of modern civilized life, that is, of its possibilities for the future.


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How to Cite

Llerena Borja, O. ., & Hernández Silva, R. A. . (2023). The philosophical understanding of Modernity in Bolívar Echeverría. An approximation to the borders of our civilization: Una aproximación a las fronteras de nuestra civilización . Revista Pucara, 1(34), 31–41.