From the cultural-artistic of Art Thinking to the formal pedagogical of Caeiro-Rodríguez, as a creative projective framework of a therapeutic experience with cases of drug addiction
art education, occupational therapy, project framework, drug addictions, Art ThinkingAbstract
The following article outlines the development of a creational projective framework that elucidates the process of creative action from a pedagogical perspective. It presents artistic education as a supportive tool in occupational therapy at a drug addiction rehabilitation center, referencing the work of Martín Caeiro-Rodríguez, who suggests rethinking established learning structures proposed in the revised Bloom's taxonomy. This involves identifying cognitive and procedural domains present in the sustained creative process rooted in "doing-thinking," as proposed by Art Thinking. The approach rejects the notion of poiesis that often accompanies collaborative artistic projects, instead positioning art as a therapeutic option grounded in emotion, the desire to learn, and expanded practical experimentation. This approach resists limiting itself to a finite practice ending in the creation of an object devoid of meaning; using the women's ward at the CETAD 12 PASOS Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Clinic in the city of Cuenca as a case study.
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