Proposal for an european model of sustainable city. Kalmar city urban plan: case study


  • Alejandro del Castillo n' UNDO
  • Verónica Sánchez Carrera n' UNDO



Understanding the territory, the city and the environment as something not finite, has resulted in an urban growth excessive and disperse, which creates and at the same time reflects, an expanded and more individualistic society. The result, a homogeneous scheme which gives preference to the scattered and individual versus inclusiveness and proximity; to simplicity versus complexity and to private interests where it should say social. Opposite to this town planning arises an alternate urban development based on conservation, reuse, density, diversity and complexity, which ensures the efficiency of the system. An urban development, which sees the city as a frame for action and social exchange. The proposal presented for the urban and development plan for Kalmar Municipality, Sweden, within Europan contest, was based on these theoretical principles. With principles of no construction and minimum intervention, was awarded with the first prize and included as a basis for the urban development plan.

Keywords: diversity, no construction, sustainable, territory, urban plan


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How to Cite

del Castillo, A., & Sánchez Carrera, V. (2017). Proposal for an european model of sustainable city. Kalmar city urban plan: case study. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 6(11), 137–142.