Analogical immersion:

discovering spherical sketches between subjectivity and objectivity


  • Lucas Fabián Olivero University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
  • Bruno Sucurado Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Analog drawing, autograph drawing, cubic projection, equirectangular projection, inmersion, virtual reality


The use of analog graphics has been reduced compared to powerful digital representation. However, the long history of the company generates new paths of evolution. As a result, the autograph goes deep into digital complexity and merges with it. The productions detailed here, which are nurtured by architecture, engineering and information technology, oscillate between subjective impression and the reinterpretation of basic concepts of perspective. They aim to share and disseminate applications, both professional and in the classroom. Specifically, the intuitive and experimental search is proposed: the graphic thought of an immersive spatial representation. This singular representation captures in the two dimensions of a plane the characteristic unfolding of a surface (in particular, that of the sphere and that of the cube) centered on the observer. In other words, it works with two of the most frequent anamorphoses that digital technology uses for virtual reality contents. The aim is to open the doors to new hybrid instruments for design and architectural uplifting, as well as for art and graphic disciplines in general.


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How to Cite

Fabián Olivero, L., & Sucurado, B. (2019). Analogical immersion:: discovering spherical sketches between subjectivity and objectivity. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 8(16), 47–59.