Threaded queries. Inducting from transversality


  • Miguel Angel de la Cova University of Seville
  • Carmen Galán Marín University of Seville



transversal, inductive learning, architectural learning


Inductive learning in architecture fits especially to the multi-faceted knowledge of our discipline, but methodologies that optimize resources are required, especially in formal education. A structured methodological model is set down through a sequence of activities and a content map, organized through threaded queries in which it underlies the various problems of the subject areas. These queries are tangible: the aim is to spark the debate since the interest lie in awakening about the goals of the course and the involvement of different knowledge areas.
Queries have to be woven carefully by the teaching staff. The student will answer them, from researching architectural examples, which are given previously, previously assigned by professors. Students, in small groups, must compile information concerning these examples, which will be the base of their activity. Their learning is performed on their own work and their public statements, which are extricated from the authorship strain. Thanks to this fact, they set a positive and active attitude. Professors must constrain their speech interventions, as established in Finkel’s book (2008) Teaching with your mouth shut. Democracy and authority, versus traditional power skills of carrots and sticks.


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Linazasoro, J.I. (1984). Apuntes para una teoría del proyecto. Valladolid, España: Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones.

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How to Cite

Cova, M. A. de la, & Galán Marín, C. (2019). Threaded queries. Inducting from transversality. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 8(16), 121–131.