A multimedia panorama in education


  • Emilia Durán Carrasco Universidad de Cuenca
  • Carla Flores García Universidad de Cuenca
  • Karla Galarza Galindo Universidad de Cuenca
  • Mateo Neira Álvarez Universidad de Cuenca
  • Paola Urgilés Verdugo Universidad de Cuenca
  • Natalia Vanegas Cedillo Universidad de Cuenca




Due to current realities and the changes that are advertised in the new
Higher Education Act, including the requirement regarding the use of
time and university resources, have been possible to begin a research project
that aims to implement digital media as a complement to education,
with the purpose of bringing the best for academic progress.
The project focuses on the Chair of Digital Expression, at the Faculty
of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Cuenca, where it has
been necessary to delve into concepts that serve as the basis for a correct
architectural representation.
Afterwards, the epistemological basis, application and results expected
from the project.

Keywords: Digital expression, higher education, architecture, Cuenca,


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Author Biographies

Emilia Durán Carrasco, Universidad de Cuenca


Carla Flores García, Universidad de Cuenca


Karla Galarza Galindo, Universidad de Cuenca


Mateo Neira Álvarez, Universidad de Cuenca


Paola Urgilés Verdugo, Universidad de Cuenca


Natalia Vanegas Cedillo, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Durán Carrasco, E., Flores García, C., Galarza Galindo, K., Neira Álvarez, M., Urgilés Verdugo, P., & Vanegas Cedillo, N. (2013). A multimedia panorama in education. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 2(2), 85–89. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v002.n002.09