Proposals to link the city and its inhabitants with the places of contemporary art
museums, art centers, cultural centers , urban project, architectural projectAbstract
The works of architecture that shelter art, reference is made to museums, art centers and cultural centers, among others, are essential places for our culture. Places destined for contemporary art have an added challenge by the very definition of this type of art, which is associated with a tension with its visitors. The objective of this writing is to open the reflection to link the city and its inhabitants with the places of contemporary art and show some concrete proposals. To do this, a series of reflections from a multidisciplinary research integrated by the areas of: urbanism, architecture, anthropology and history are collected, which for two years analysed this relationship and proposed taking it to the secondyear architectural projects workshop at the University of Chile, in order to share findings with students and propose an exercise to carry out ‘mediating projects’, that is, architectural proposals that link contemporary art places with the city and its inhabitants.
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