Intervention in foundations in problematic soils through historical construction treaties in Spanish


  • Fernando da Casa Martin Universidad de Alcalá
  • Ernesto Echeverría-Valiente Universidad de Alcalá
  • Flavio Celis-D’Amico Universidad de Alcalá



Historical treaties, construction, foundation, problem soils, terrain treatments


Historical construction and architectural treatises are a fundamental source of information. They tell us the how and why of construction systems in recent centuries. They have been the teaching texts of architects since the 16th century. The foundation is one of those elements. It is of interest to know its constructive origin. The objective of this work is to know more specifically how to approach foundations in problem soils. For this purpose, the twelve historical treatises on construction in Spanish that deal in their text with aspects related to the design and execution of foundations have been analyzed. Aspects related to the foundation and its application in problem soils have been extracted. They have been ordered and analyzed, and it has been possible to conclude the references that are antecedents of current soil treatment techniques, as well as techniques for application in foundation undercuts.


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How to Cite

da Casa Martin, F., Echeverría-Valiente, E. ., & Celis-D’Amico, F. . (2022). Intervention in foundations in problematic soils through historical construction treaties in Spanish. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 11(21).