Methodologies for the development of a graphic database of architectural heritage




architectural heritage, 3D model, HBIM, GIS, WebGL


The technological advances that have been produced thanks to the development of data capture and processing tools related to architectural heritage have modified the work methodology. The incorporation of complex three-dimensional models in Information Systems favors the processing and analysis of data in a common support that facilitates accessibility and consultation, as well as the adoption of decisions related to the model. The different technologies and methodologies that allow information to be managed in the same model, such as HBIM (Historic Building Information Modelling), WebGL technology or Geographic Information Systems (GIS), have been analyzed in order to establish the possibilities that each one of them contribute to the graphic documentation of heritage as a means to preserve its cultural values. The evaluation has made it possible to establish its essential needs for interoperability and accessibility through the use of standardization and normalization.


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How to Cite

Quintilla-Castán, M., & Agustín-Hernández, L. (2023). Methodologies for the development of a graphic database of architectural heritage . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 12(23), 99–111.