Recognition of the railway heritage in southeastern Cuba as a form of cultural expression. Theoretical-methodological approaches


  • Frank Ernesto Villarreal Quevedo Empresa de Diseño e Ingeniería Guantánamo (GÉNEDIS)
  • Lourdes Magalis Rizo Aguilera Universidad de Oriente



railway Heritage, recognition, cultural significance, territory, values


The study of the railway heritage in southeastern Cuba aims at preserving
its values. Its importance as a form of cultural expression highlights a region
that constituted a favorable scenario for the development of constructive and
productive activities related to the iron road since the second half of the 19th
century. From the analysis of the theoretical foundations, bibliographic sources
and previous studies, the main methodological approaches to the subject are
approached. An approach based on the study of values, the definition of cultural
meaning and the understanding of a changing historical environment is assumed;
from the observation of the contextual reality and the definition of the different
levels of evaluation. In this way, from the current complexity in which heritage is
debated, it is possible to argue theoretical-methodological considerations that
contribute to the processes of recognition of the railway heritage in the Cuban


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How to Cite

Villarreal Quevedo, F. E., & Rizo Aguilera, L. M. . (2023). Recognition of the railway heritage in southeastern Cuba as a form of cultural expression. Theoretical-methodological approaches. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 12(23), 125–136.