Indicators of Environmental Assessment and gender. Pilot proposal for social housing in arid zone: San Juan as a case study




indicators, gender perspective, environmental evaluation, social housing, arid zone


In response to Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 11, the Gender Perspective is introduced and valued in the environmental analysis of Social Housing in the Arid Zone. For this, the Argentine physical-environmental, economic and social situation is contextualized and weighted, the data matrix of an internationally recognized environmental evaluation methodology. The resulting Contextualized Data Matrix is reviewed according to the variables: Mobility, Work and Care. From the use of the Hierarchical Analytical Process, the developed matrix is weighted. Finally, an Environmental Indicator (AI) and a Global Gender Indicator (IG) are built. From its application to 4 case studies, located in the city of San Juan, it is obtained that the usual construction practice, with a GI of 26.78 points and an AI of 60.23, are below the maximum possible score in the order of 34.22% and 40% respectively.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, A., & Buigues-Nollens, A. F. (2023). Indicators of Environmental Assessment and gender. Pilot proposal for social housing in arid zone: San Juan as a case study . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 12(24), 109–122.