Authorship, co-authorship, and creativity in architecture. Drawing, notation and representation




authorship, co-authorship, creativity, notation, School of Architecture of Catholic University of the North


The notion of authorship in architecture has been connected to the prominence of drawing as an autographic record of the design process since the Renaissance. The conditions and limits considering the co-authorship of a work are analyzed and a classification is proposed in relation to the different ways of considering authorship within the complex process of architectural production when several actors are involved. The role of creativity in this process is also studied regarding the context of the disciplinary past. Finally, we analyze the progressive fading of authorship concerning this graphic record of the process with the emergence of new technologies or the progressive transdisciplinary specialization that spurs the consideration of other kinds of non-graphic relationships between author and work.


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Author Biographies

Vincenza Garofalo, University of Palermo, Italy

Architetto, PhD in Rilievo e Rappresentazione dell'Architettura e dell'Ambiente, è Ricercatore di Disegno presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Palermo dove insegna in corsi di Disegno e Rilievo e di Rappresentazione multimediale dell’Architettura. La sua attività di ricerca riguarda prevalentemente la documentazione e l’analisi dell’architettura storica e moderna e della città attraverso gli strumenti del rilievo e della rappresentazione, lo studio delle matrici dell’opera attraverso
l’analisi grafica, la rappresentazione multimediale quale strumento di conoscenza e divulgazione del Patrimonio storico-architettonico.

Ángel Allepuz Pedreño, University of Alicante, Spain

Ángel Allepuz Pedreño, Universidad de Alicante, Arquitecto por la ETSAM, Máster en arquitectura y urbanismo sistenibles y doctor internacional por la U. de Alicante con premio extraordinario, es profesor ayudante doctor del Departamento de Expresión Gráfica, Composición y Proyectos. Imparte docencia en Grado y Master y es profesor de la Universidad de Alicante desde 2002. Ha dirigido PFC, TFM y TFG. Línea de investigación: Teoría de la representación arquitectónica en relación con el pensamiento visual. Forma parte del grupo de investigación ARQUITECTURA. Ideación, Representación, Análisis, Simulación y Materialidad (AIRASM).


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How to Cite

Marcos Alba, C. L. ., Garofalo, V., & Allepuz Pedreño, Ángel. (2024). Authorship, co-authorship, and creativity in architecture. Drawing, notation and representation. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 13(26), 165–180.