Space and limits, a synergetic relationship


  • Patricio Hidalgo Universidad de Cuenca



This essay focuses on the analysis and reflection about the presence of the limits into the living spaces, and its components, from the dynamics of their relationships and interactions in the field of complexity.

We start from an approach where we position the limit at an intermediate point between the subject who perceives and the multidimensional space, recognizing from this limit its ability to determine the space, conferring particular qualities and features.

This problem locates the limits in a highlight point of the spatial configuration, as articulators of sense and carriers of meanings. From this glaze we analyze and describe their characteristics, location, applications, performance, etc.

Keywords: limits, spaces, spatial configuration.


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Author Biography

Patricio Hidalgo, Universidad de Cuenca



Ábalos Iñaki (2005) “La Buena Vida” visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad. Barcelona. Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A.

Augé, Marc (2000) Los no lugares. Espacios del anonimato. Una antropología de la sobremodernidad. Barcelona. Ed. Gedisa.

Coppola, Paola. (2004) Análisis y Diseño de los espacios que habitamos. México. Edit Pax.

Hidalgo, Patricio. (2004) Pasemos adentro. Revista Facultad de Arquitectura 50 años. Cuenca. FAUC.

Ibelings, Hans. (1998) Supermodernismo. Arquitectura en la Era de la Globalización. Barcelona. Ed. Gustavo Gili.

Najmanovich, Denise. (2005) El juego de los vínculos. Buenos Aires. Ed. Biblos.

Perec, Georges. (2003) Especies de Espacios. España. Ed. Galilée.



How to Cite

Hidalgo, P. (2016). Space and limits, a synergetic relationship. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 3(5), 21–27.