LECTURE HALL III of the University of Alicante (1998- 2000), Architect Javier García-Solera Vera Architectural project analysis


  • Jonnathan Patricio Aguirre Collahuazo Universidad de Cuenca




This research presents the interest on observing the architectural project phenomenon. The central axis of this study is to understand modern architecture as a process that exposes the precise essence of the form. To analyze critically different projects that show order in its form through esthetic judgment, allows us the opportunity to experience the different processes and design decisions that the author had to confront to be able to develop the project. Thus, the work is focused to make an approach to Aulario III, produced by the Spanish architect Javier García-Solera; using the sketch as a main tool. The aim is found the intrinsically architectural values of the project, this way an evaluation of each structuring element is performed, which allows us to define and expand the knowledge of solid tools used as materials for architectural designing.

Keywords: Modern Architecture, architectural analysis, Lecture Hall III, Javier García-Solera.


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Author Biography

Jonnathan Patricio Aguirre Collahuazo, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Aguirre Collahuazo, J. P. (2016). LECTURE HALL III of the University of Alicante (1998- 2000), Architect Javier García-Solera Vera Architectural project analysis. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 5(8), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v005.n008.05