Variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con el bienestar en personas con o sin discapacidad



wellbeing, sociodemographic variables, disability


The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to analyze whether socio-demographic variables: gender, age, marital status, educational level, income and working conditions are related to the well-being of people with and without disabilities in the city of Cuenca. Wellbeing levels were assessed in 1,064 people through the PERMA profile of Butler & Kern (2016) that was adapted for the present study. A descriptive and correlational statistical analysis was performed. The results showed high levels of well-being in the sample evaluated. As for the variables explored, higher levels of well-being were found in late adulthood, women showed a higher level of well-being than men, those with a partner had a higher level of well-being than those without one. Higher levels of wellbeing were found in people with higher education, higher income and job stability, there was no evidence of a relationship between well-being and the presence of disability. As a conclusion having greater economic income and job stability allows access to better social and hierarchical status, which results in higher levels of wellbeing. The majority of the participants registered high levels of wellbeing therefore it We concluded that the participants perceived that well-being is attainable. We suggest exploring the social variables related to sociodemographic variables since it seems that the conditions that generate networks of support, socialization and significant activities for the people raise the level of wellbeing.


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Sizer, M., Lima-Castro, S., Peña-Contreras, E., Cedillo-Quizphe, C., & Bueno-Pacheco, A. (2017). Variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con el bienestar en personas con o sin discapacidad. Maskana, 8, 37–47. Retrieved from