Perception of feminism in women and men in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador
Feminism, perception, stereotypes, genderAbstract
This study explores the perceptions of feminism both by women and men in the city of Cuenca in Ecuador through participation in focus groups. In total, five focus groups were formed with 25 participants between the ages of 18 and 60 years. The data were analyzed using the Atlas.ti program using inductive coding techniques. From the narratives compiled in this study, it is concluded that feminism is perceived from a collective and individual sphere and, although it has managed to position its struggle around the recognition of women's rights, negative connotations and stereotypes are also evident around it that are influenced by various factors that respond to a specific sociocultural context. However, the feminist objective that seeks equal rights in social structures and practices was vindicated and the need for the movement in the reeducation of social relations of domination and oppression both in the family sphere and in the institutional sphere was highlighted.
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