Los sistemas de información en la nube y su utilidad en las organizaciones comerciales de la ciudad de Manta, Manabí-Ecuador



entrepreneurship, sofware as a service, cloud computing, innovation


Cloud computing represents a new trend for organizations seeking quality features related to this paradigm, being the case of applications that require a high degree of availability at a low cost and exploit the characteristics of services-oriented architectures. Consequently, it was required to determine the degree of knowledge of this type of technologies in the stores of the city of Manta. Hence, information has been collected through a survey of data made available to 100 commercial premises in the city of Manta, with an approach that allows the evaluation of the level of knowledge about the technologies deployed in the cloud with an emphasis on the model of service. This evaluation provides insight in the degree of acceptance by the potential users of this technology. The study revealed that the reviewed commercial enterprises know little of this type of technology. The lack of knowledge seems to be the main motivation for the interviewed entrepreneurs to develop computer systems, how the potential customers in the commercial area are, and whether or not these solutions will assist commercial organizations.


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How to Cite

Parrales, J. (2017). Los sistemas de información en la nube y su utilidad en las organizaciones comerciales de la ciudad de Manta, Manabí-Ecuador. Maskana, 8(1), 119–124. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/maskana/article/view/1972



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