Evaluación de intensidades de precipitación influenciadas por oscilaciones decadales: Cuenca del Río Paute



rainfall intensity, climate change, variability, decadal oscillations


Precipitation intensities at the global level depict positive and negative long-term anomalies, partly because of climate change. Ecuador, specific the Paute River Basin is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability in precipitation regime, causing decadal oscillations, marked by a succession of wet and dry periods, and periods with increasing and decreasing tendency in the level of precipitation. Identification of these periods in the decadal oscillations of the complete record of the historical precipitation series allows calculation of the corresponding design rainfall. In addition, based on the records included in the study period, the equations of the IDF curves could be defined, allowing the definition of differences in design intensities. Results reveal that the intensities for wet periods are greater than those for dry periods. The latter allows to fine-tune the design calculations for hydraulic works.


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How to Cite

Guerrero, R., Serpa, J., & Mora, D. (2017). Evaluación de intensidades de precipitación influenciadas por oscilaciones decadales: Cuenca del Río Paute. Maskana, 8(1), 185–190. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/maskana/article/view/1978



II Congress Civil Engineering, Biosciences and Urbanism Sciences