Adolescent self-concept according to their sociodemographic and parental characteristics




Adolescence implies important psychosocial changes, one of them is the development of the self-concept that takes hold at this stage in a familiar, academic, and social context. The objective of the study was to analyze the dimensions of the self-concept of adolescents from Cuenca, based on: i) the sociodemographic characteristics: sex, schooling, institutional support and the family typology of the adolescents, ii) the sociodemographic characteristics of the parents: working hours, marital status and educational level. 1085 schooling adolescents between 15 and 18 years old from the city of Cuenca participated, the Self-Concept Scale Form 5 was applied (García & Musitu, 2014). The results reported that Cuenca adolescents present scores above the 50th percentile in the academic and physical dimension; followed by the family and emotional dimension, while the social dimension reports a score slightly below the 50th percentile. Regarding gender, men present a higher score in the social and familiar dimension compared to women, who present a better academic, emotional, and physical self-concept. According to schooling, adolescents in the third year of high school show a physical self-concept and those who attend private institutions a better academic and family self-concept, as do adolescents whose parents have a married marital status and a postgraduate level of studies. In conclusion variability of the dimensions of adolescent self-concept is explained by the presence of the sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents and their parents.


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How to Cite

Morales-Quizhpi, J., Palacios-Madero, M.-D., Conforme-Zambrano, E.-G., & Arpi-Peñaloza, N. (2021). Adolescent self-concept according to their sociodemographic and parental characteristics. Maskana, 12(1), 16–25.



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