Femicide: The deadly manifestation of violence against women
femicide, violence of gender, psychological autopsyAbstract
A qualitative explorative study with relatives of femicide victims and professionals was conducted analyzing the family background, the situation prior to the violence and the circumstances surrounding the murder of these women. To achieve this objective the psychological autopsy method was applied. Relatives of 6 femicide victims were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire designed to reconstruct the history that lead to the violence, the relationship of the victim with the offender, the circumstances of the killing, the presence of cruelty, the sexual and physical violence the victim was subjected, the criminal complaint submittal and complaint processing procedures. The restricted survey revealed the following preliminary findings. Women living in a violent situation undervalue its severity and perceive violence as a natural part of married life, showing resistance to denounce their aggressor. Despite being familiar with the violent situation family and community are often reluctant to participate in actions in defense of the victim, in particular when family members are involved. Judicial support is insufficiently developed or lacking. Women in most cases are still unaware of their rights and how to defend them when abused. Femicide is the results from a process of repetitive violence, suggesting that this crime can be prevented given accessible and effective protection procedures are in place.
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