A systematic literature review on bullying and cyberbullying models, programs, and intervention strategies





Bullying, ciberbullying, prevention models, intervention, programs, children and teenagers


Bullying and cyberbullying represent common social problems among children and adolescents around the world. This problem is characterized by the intention to hurt someone physically or emotionally. Cyberbullying is harassing someone over the internet. Multiple programs, strategies, and intervention models have been proposed to combat this problem. In this study, a systematic review of the literature on the state of research on bullying and cyberbullying intervention models, programs, and strategies was conducted using the Kitchenham methodology. The research is based on the identification of 262 research articles in the field of bullying and cyberbullying in the digital databases Redalyc, Pubmed, and SCOPUS, from which 83 papers were selected for analysis.



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How to Cite

Santiago, & Guachichullca Guamán, M. P. (2022). A systematic literature review on bullying and cyberbullying models, programs, and intervention strategies. Maskana, 13(2), 21–33. https://doi.org/10.18537/mskn.13.02.03



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