Los Cielos de paja y barro aligerado: respuesta adaptativa al clima extremo en contexto andino.

Straw skies and lightened mud: adaptive response to extreme weather in an Andean context.





The lightened clay and straw plank is a constructive practice that Andean communities have traditionally used in the ceilings of their homes. Depending on its geographical location, it is called by different names such as "caruna, takta, t'ajta, p'ira, t'illi" and uses the earth and straw from its altiplanic environment in its preparation. At the moment it suffers the risk of disappearance, product of the sociocultural processes lived in the territory during the last 50 years. This article describes the actions to rescue and value the system, through a technological research project with field and laboratory methodology in the region of Arica and Parinacota, in northern Chile. The results obtained through this research have allowed the mechanical and physical characterization of the system, the findings have been contrasted with the principles of safeguarding to assess its potential for recognition in the national system of safeguarding Intangible Heritage.


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Author Biographies


Alfaro, Sergio, UCN Architect, PhD in Technological Innovation Projects from the UPC of Barcelona, ​​Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Católica del Norte. He has accompanied processes of restoration of the built heritage as an institutional representative in the restoration of the Historic Monument and Temple of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, a temple restored by the Altiplano Foundation, together with this entity he has developed research, presentations and articles related to the aspects technological and energetic aspects of the earth as a resource for sustainable conservation. Co-founder, together with other academics in the area of ​​earthen architecture and heritage of the Earthen Architecture and Construction Network, (ARCOT) Chile since 2014, and member of the NETWORK (PROTERRA CHILE).

Beatriz Yuste Miguel, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Yuste, Beatriz, Architect and Master in Architecture, Energy and Environment from the UPC of Barcelona, ​​PhD candidate from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has worked on R&D projects in biomechanics applied to healthy interior design at the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia (UPV) and on projects for the preservation of the heritage of the southwestern United States with Cornerstones Community Partnerships. In recent years, she has served as head of heritage restoration and sustainable conservation projects for the Misiones-Saraña Route Andean Temples Plan with the Altiplano Foundation. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Architecture, Heritage and City program (UPV).

Massimo Palme, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de arquitectura

Palme, Massimo, Materials Engineer and PhD in Architecture, Energy and Environment, works as Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture at the Federico Santa María Technical University and as Extraordinary Professor of the Doctoral Program in Sustainable Engineering at the Catholic University of the North . He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of Catania, the Federal University of Santa Catarina, the University of Kobe and the National Institute of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies of Ecuador. He is currently the president of the Chilean Association for Building Performance Simulation and the Chilean Association of Landscape Ecology. Results of his research have been disseminated through more than 100 articles, chapters and contributions to conferences.


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2023-12-27 — Updated on 2024-02-19


How to Cite

Alfaro Malatesta, S. ., Yuste Miguel, B., & Palme, M. . (2024). Los Cielos de paja y barro aligerado: respuesta adaptativa al clima extremo en contexto andino.: Straw skies and lightened mud: adaptive response to extreme weather in an Andean context . Maskana, 14(2), 59–73. https://doi.org/10.18537/mskn.14.02.06 (Original work published December 27, 2023)



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