Assessment of primary school teachers thinking styles: A case study




Thinking styles, teaching, primary school


Teaching thinking styles are a frame of reference that is part of educational psychology and guides teaching and learning. The objective of this research was to analyze the thinking styles applied by the teachers at the primary education level. A cross-sectional study was conducted aiming to find out the prevalence of the teaching thinking styles of a cohort of 107 teachers randomly selected from six primary schools in the urban area of the city of Cuenca in Ecuador, respectively 2 public, 2 public/religious, and 2 private schools. To collect the information, the Thinking Styles in Teaching Questionnaire by Grigorenko and Sternberg, translated by Serrano (1994), was used. The research reveals that the screened primary school teachers apply primarily a creative thinking style (Type 1), which corresponds to the psycho-pedagogic guidelines of the Ministry of Education for teaching orientation. The survey also showed that the thinking style of the teachers in the public schools tends more toward the normative thinking style (Type 2) compared to the teachers in the private schools. Factors such as age, gender, and class grade seem not to affect the thinking style of the teachers.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Peralta, J. (2022). Assessment of primary school teachers thinking styles: A case study. Maskana, 13(2), 15–20.



Research articles