


aprendizaje visual, arte, tecnologías, educación superior, investigación


Technological advances have posed a challenge in university learning ecosystems in terms of the application of visual technologies that offer a didactic and innovative framework to the student. Artistic-visual learning is a tool in the development of cognitive and professional skills in students. It turns out to be a complex and multifaceted process that requires the constant updating of its actors. The objective of this study is to examine the global research on this subject from 2000 to 2022. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis of 1281 articles has been applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions and countries that contribute to it. this investigation. The evidence shows a growing interest, especially in the last four years, for the study of artistic and visual learning in higher education. The main subject area is Social Science. The most productive journal is the International Journal of Art and Design Education. The authors with the most articles are Marner and Knochel. The most productive institution is the Australian one, Monash University. The United States is the country with the most publications and citations; while the United States and the United Kingdom are the countries with the most international collaborations in their work. The study has detected current and future lines of research. This study contributes to the academic, scientific and institutional discussion to improve decision-making based on the available information.


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How to Cite

González Zamar, M. D., & Abad-Segura, E. (2023). APPROACH TO ARTISTIC-VISUAL AND DIGITAL LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Maskana, 14(1), 66–77.



Research articles