Psychological violence behaviors in young couples for preventions programs




prevention, affective indifference, gender-based violence, intimate partner violence, hostile sexism


This article analyzes how different psychological violence behaviors are perceived in young people, considering the severity and the sexist beliefs, to be included them as content in prevention programs. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis of the Perception of Psychological Gender Violence (PGV) scale evaluated by 888 students aged 18 to 25 years, observing four principal components through oblimin rotation, explaining 74% of the variance. Items correlates were >.59 and clustered according to loadings >.50. The order found and verified with linear regression using the intro method was affective indifference, sexist irresponsibility, coercive control violence and domination-hostility violence. We tested correlations between results dimensions and hostile and benevolent sexism but hostile sexist beliefs influenced the different perceptions of severity. We believe violent behaviors unrelated to sexism may go unnoticed and should be focus of preventive interventions. These results support specifying content for training to improve effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Lledó Rando, C., Fabiola Perles Novas, F. ., & SanMartín García, J. (2024). Psychological violence behaviors in young couples for preventions programs. Maskana, 15(1), 9–25.



Research articles