The chrononym “withdrawal” in the history of Spain: case study based on photography




withdrawal, photography, memory, Centelles, Spain


The research focused on analyzing the term “withdrawal” in the context of the history of Spain during the Civil War and exile. We sought to understand how it was perceived and represented by those who lived through it and its impact on the recovery of democratic memory. Therefore, visual representations were explored using methods such as literature review, analysis of primary sources, visual analysis, interviews and comparative analysis. The results highlighted the diversity of visual representations and the importance of photography, including the work of Agustí Centelles, in the preservation of historical memory. A visual narrative and changes in the collective memory of Spain were identified. In conclusion, it highlights how visual representations of the Republican withdrawal and exile have shaped historical memory, both nationally and internationally.


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How to Cite

Grillo, S. (2024). The chrononym “withdrawal” in the history of Spain: case study based on photography. Maskana, 15(1), 59–71.



Research articles