Exposure, vulnerability and epidemiological profile of informal workers of the open-air dump of the canton Portoviejo, Ecuador


  • María Solíz Investigadora en el área de salud de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador.




informal recyclers, professional ocupation, exposure, vulnerability, health profile


The present work covered an extensive study of the exposure, vulnerability and epidemiological profile of informal waste recyclers and their families in the open recycling dump of the Canton Portoviejo. Extensive interviews and surveys helped in evaluating the mechanism of the recycling unit and in revealing details of living condition and environmental exposure of the informal workers and their family. In addition to the process of discussion and collective reflection, the informal workers were subjected to a clinical examination, two psychological tests (Epiestrés and Goldberg), and a neurobehavioral test (Pentox). The cross sectional ethnographic survey enabled the identification and delineation of the informal workers and their families in 5 distinctive classes based on the type of recycling activity, the socio-economic status and living conditions, the exposure and vulnerability to contamination, and the epidemiological profile. It is suggested to use the findings of the study as basis for a public debate on the possibility of formalizing the unorganized waste trade, and a way to remove the discrimination and oppression of the recyclers, who belong to the poorest strata of the society.


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How to Cite

Solíz, M. (2014). Exposure, vulnerability and epidemiological profile of informal workers of the open-air dump of the canton Portoviejo, Ecuador. Maskana, 5(1), 57–79. https://doi.org/10.18537/mskn.05.01.05



Research articles