Perspective from another perspective. A timely hint about the recovery of the Representation Techniques program in the subject Drawing



Drawing, Perspective, Representation Techniques, Visual Arts, Art Education


The subject Perspective or Representation Techniques has historically been considered an essential component of art education and the training of artists. Nowadays, where technological means point to a virtualization of spatial projections, three-dimensional representations assume an increasing preponderance in the field of idealization. Possibly, today more than ever, it is necessary to work on the development of visual thinking that allows the representation of three-dimensional objects and spaces in the two-dimensional plane, whether real or virtual, as well as the mastery of instruments of any technique or means of representation, whether graphic or not. Therefore, it is essential, due to the historical moment in which we live, the reincorporation of this subject in the study plan of the Visual Arts career and of the Drawing discipline, in particular, in the Cuban Artistic Education system.


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