The Scene: dynamic constructions in the generation of spaces


  • Silvia Bonetto Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Beatriz Ojeda Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



The present paper refers to the possibility of conceiving a way of embracing the phenomenon of dynamic perception of space. Morphology’s workshop, in the first level of architecture career, is characterized by the massive and diversity of its members. Students are in an initial implementation process, both with regard to the concept of space as a representation that the creative process needs. It is constant evidence the difficulty in manifesting the spatial experience. Hence the creation of procedures and mechanisms for a more immediate approach to the creation of spaces is required, incorporating the variables of time, tangible and intangible materiality and movement of the observer.

Keywords: Space-time, spatial experience, scene.


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How to Cite

Bonetto, S., & Ojeda, B. (2016). The Scene: dynamic constructions in the generation of spaces. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 5(8), 31–38.