The heritage as a resource: the change of paradigms in urban conservation from an international perspective


  • Nelson Carofilis Universidad de Cuenca
  • Gabriela García Universidad de Cuenca



The article looks at the emerging notion of the heritage as a resource to the development from two inputs: the discipline of urban conservation and the global discourse on culture and development. To review progress on both and clarify the links between the city, historical environments and sustainability, a set of valuable views are identified to rethink strategies for urban development in the Andean and Ecuadorian cities.

Keywords: Heritage, conservation, town planning, Ecuador.


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Author Biographies

Nelson Carofilis, Universidad de Cuenca


Gabriela García, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Carofilis, N., & García, G. (2015). The heritage as a resource: the change of paradigms in urban conservation from an international perspective. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 4(6), 69–80.