Gestión sostenible del pavimento flexible, rígido y articulado del centro urbano del Cantón Girón



pavement condition index, service level, flexible pavement, rigid pavement, articulated pavement, sustainability, sustainable management systems


The pavement condition index for flexible and rigid pavements (PCI) and for articulated pavements (ICP) determines the service level of the pavement and the adequate interventions that can be executed, whether preventive, corrective, reconstruction or zero treatment. Both indices enable to establish the evolution over time of the service level according to the treatment executed. This paper presents the assessment of the PCI and ICP values of the road network in Girón, a small-sized town located in the southern part of the Province of Azuay, Ecuador. The PCI and ICP values for each pavement on the network were derived through a semi-automated process of field data collection and analysis (including, hierarchy, optimization, and prioritization). Analysis of this information permitted to define as a function of the service level the best type of treatment, including the treatment cost for each pavement section on the analyzed network. For the whole network, the pavement condition index shows an average service level of "Very Good" with a value of 72/100 for flexible pavements, "Good" with a value of 61/100 for rigid pavements, and "Good" with a value of 4.52/5 for articulated pavements. By knowing the overall pavement network health, it is possible to manage the assets in a more sustainable way, optimizing resources, and defining the treatment following a prioritization process.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, G., & Mogrovejo, D. (2017). Gestión sostenible del pavimento flexible, rígido y articulado del centro urbano del Cantón Girón. Maskana, 8(1), 207–217. Retrieved from



II Congress Civil Engineering, Biosciences and Urbanism Sciences