Energía del mar para su integración en la matriz energética del Ecuador



non-conventional renewable energies, energy from the sea, Cromwell marine current, energy matrix of Ecuador, IEE


This research aims to identify the different forms of energy of the sea and describe which one is available to be used in Ecuador, using cutting-edge technologies. The possibility of including in the energy matrix of the country the contribution of energy from the marine currents, through an electricity generating plant of 20 MW of power, is shown. This technology is selected based on the technical characteristics appropriate to the national reality to develop the economic-financial analysis of the proposal. It is concluded that a project of this type is feasible, based on the Cromwell current, and its impact on the energy matrix of Ecuador is analysed.


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How to Cite

Guamán, J. S., Espinoza, J. L., & Ribeiro, E. (2017). Energía del mar para su integración en la matriz energética del Ecuador. Maskana, 8(1), 313–318. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/maskana/article/view/1990



II Congress of Electrical and Electronic Engineering