From heritage as an architectural object to the heritagization of the landscape: A review of the International Charters and Textos of cultural heritage
patrimonios emergentes, percepción ciudadana, teoría patrimonial, transformación urbana, valores culturalesAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to reflect about the evolution of the concept of heritage in which throughout history it has overpassed its monumental and national condition to include in a broader context. The Venice Charter (1964), the Convention of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972), the consideration of landscape as heritage with the creation of the cultural landscape and The Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011) as the most innovative tool for managing sustainable urban development are the horizons that structure this reflection. Undoubtedly, this review of international Charters and Texts verify that this conceptual change is accompanied by a transformation of the heritage values, which it is a response to the speed of transformation and accelerated growth of world urban development.
Keywords: citizen perception, cultural values, emergent heritage, heritage theory, urban transformation.
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