Nutritional intervention and physical activity programs for Latin American preschools: A literature review




nutritional intervention, physical activity, Latin American preschoolers


The material presented in this paper consists of a literature review about educative interventions promoting healthy habits in preschoolers in Latin-America. Due to changes in food patterns as a consequence of various factors such as migration, globalization, technology development, urbanization and socioeconomic status, underwent the traditional diets of this region drastic nutritional changes with an increased number of processed foods high in sugar and saturated fat. This transition coupled with a low prevalence of physical activity led to an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among the different age groups including preschoolers. In fact, obesity has become a pandemic phenomenon not only in Latin American but worldwide. As a consequence, the increase in the prevalence of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is a health problem that requires special and urgent attention within the Health System. Therefore, educational interventions for healthy eating and physical activity are important and necessary for different age groups, especially for preschoolers since that knowledge and habits acquired at this age will probably remain during adulthood.


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How to Cite

Abril, V., Morales, D., Orellana, A., Yamunaqué, S., Palacios, G., Chilet, E., Huiracocha, L., & Monsalve, D. (2017). Nutritional intervention and physical activity programs for Latin American preschools: A literature review. Maskana, 8(2), 51–59.



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