Experiences in the Application of the Flipped Learning Model in a Music Technology Course





ICTs, flipped learning, music technology, Ableton Live


The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) modified many tasks and strongly altered our behaviors. Having this in mind, the Flipped Learning (FL) model provides a promising learning alternative that links the learning environment with the student’s behavior while altering the traditional instruction model. The FL model involves activities in which students individually review online materials and develop projects and assignments in groups and on-site. The objective of this study was to evaluate the flipped learning model in arts education, more precisely how the introduction of this model affects the learning of the students from the University of Cuenca attending the course of music technology. The findings of this study highlighted the benefits of active learning and the acceptance of the material developed for the implementation of the FL model. Notwithstanding, the overall positive evaluation of the FL approach, the authors suggest carrying out more studies, involving a larger student population, to better identify and remedy remaining obstacles, what will facilitate the use of the FL model in other courses.


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How to Cite

Urgilés, J., Carrión, G. B., Pinos-Vélez, V., Abril-Ulloa, V., & Quinde-Herrera, K. (2019). Experiences in the Application of the Flipped Learning Model in a Music Technology Course. Maskana, 10(2), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.18537/mskn.10.02.02



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